Bespoke Retreats
Bespoke Retreat provide you with the opportunity to co-create a retreat to meet your or your groups’ needs and desired outcomes.
This can be anything from a day to 10 days or more…
Our experience at The Being Space is that there is no “Magic Bullet” no “One thing” that fixes all. However, often a combination of tools are required along with guidance and support not only to learn the how, but the how to integrate these tools and changes into an ongoing lifestyle to create permanent positive change and resistance for when the challenges of life happen.
On going Life Coaching is also offered, individually or as a group creating the power of “Peer Group” support.
If you wish to know more, please book a Discovery Call or contact us at The Being Space.
After nearly 30 years of experience in what creates or destroys health and wellbeing, we have never come across a magic bullet…that one thing that does everything, that works for everyone.
We are unique beings, of indefinable diversity and limitless experience and, as such, need different things at different times. The Concept of the Life Manual sits hand in hand with Self Empowered Health, along with the fact that you are the specialist in your own health and wellbeing. Here at the Being Space we offer you the chance to create your own Life Manual. It will be for you to create, enhance and maintain the desired outcomes that you want to put in place, to benefit both your health and your life. We can call upon multiple tools, techniques and approaches to meet your individual requirements, each one of which has been tried and tested through deep personal experience and years of research.
The one thing that we all have in common is we are human and have evolved to the point, where our minds create our experiences. This can often involve as much suffering as it does joy, the key is discovery the beliefs that don’t support us and changing them at their source, often deep in our subconscious. Quantum physics is now demonstrating that our world is very much subject to influence…………what we believe is what we experience. Change that belief and you change the experience.
Take Responsibility for your Empowerment.