Quantum Energy Coaching
What is QEC and what can it do for you?
QEC is simply a method to release you from the debilitating affects of stress, trauma or limiting beliefs, that will in turn open up your potential to create the life you desire.
Simple yet profound, it is a method that is able to reprogram the subconscious mind to remove the barriers that may have held you back since childhood. You may not even be aware of them, but many of our inner traumas and limiting beliefs can be traced back to our parents, siblings or the circumstances or society of our upbringing.
What’s more, stress and trauma are now known to be leading causes of disease, whether mental, emotional or physical. Releasing these patterns can go along way to restoring harmony and balance within your body and life.
Is it time to be free NOW?
Experience has shown, after nearly 30 years of living and breathing natural medicine and therapeutics, both personally and professionally, that “what I think and believe creates the world I experience”.
Whether these beliefs are conscious or subconscious, they create our own unique experiences: the good the bad and the downright ugly.
My Experience:
Despite knowing this I still found myself, a year after my father’s death from Alzheimer’s, on my knees and at the point of a nervous breakdown. After all the work I believed that I had done to cast out my inner demons, I needed help. That was when I discovered QEC.
The sessions gave me the time and space to be ruthlessly honest about how I really felt. I was able to free myself from trying to be the therapist, the successful business woman, the carer and coper, the spiritual being and even the lover. I was able to admit all the pain, hurt and vulnerability that I had carried and focus on what was true and authentic for me. All those aspects of myself that had lain unseen, unheard and abandoned for so long were given an opportunity to emerge; to be seen, heard and understood.
QEC was a missing piece of the puzzle that I had been searching for. The sessions allowed me to identify and confront coping strategies and fault identities that had been long buried. I was able to forgive, both myself and others, on a deep and subconscious level. And change happened.
After two sessions the panic attacks stopped. After six my body was well on the road to recovery, rather than continuing to react to those same stifling stimuli that had dogged me for years . A year on and I have integrated QEC into my practise, passing on those same self-empowering tools to others. But more importantly, QEC has now become part of my Life Manual* and I continue to clear away those limiting beliefs and judgements. Anywhere that my life doesn’t seem to be flowing with ease and abundance I can simply explore, forgive and recreate in a way that supports my overall wellbeing.
Take Responsibility for your
Own Empowerment !