“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” - Rumi (13th Century)
About Me.
My early start down the road of life was not so much paved with gold as potholes and bone-jarring boulders. Good health was not a given for me and, following no fewer than nine major operations before I was 25, I was ready to walk away from western medicine and try my own path. With no answers forthcoming and conventional medical science seemingly unable to see past the next invasive treatment, I headed out into the world to look for my own answers.
And I have spent the past thirty years doing just that. Beginning with a qualification as an international NPL trainer and hypnotherapist, I began my personal and professional journey exploring the area of psychophysiology, examining the interplay between our mental, emotional health and physical well being. I later co-founded an organisation that promoted primary and preventative medicine for sustainable healthcare and, for the next 10 years, headed up medical research in hospitals and surgeries in the UK, Russia and Israel. Harnessing the best of both allopathic and natural medicine, this ground-breaking research help to prove the efficacy of early warning diagnostic systems in the detection and prevention of disease. This work, for me, highlighted the role that stress and trauma play in impacting our health and well being and the manifestation of disease.
In 2010 I was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Institute for Complimentary and Natural Medicine (ICNM) for my work in natural medicine. Then, around ten years ago unexpected events in my life, along with the wear and tear of punishing work schedules, saw my life take another turn and my focus turn inwards, in more ways than one. The needs of family and the care of a father beset by the cruel and debilitating affects of Alzheimer’s, drove me deep into my meditative inner world. I found myself focusing on what was truly important to me in life, rather than just what I had been taught. And what at the time seemed traumatic, I eventually came to see as another door, another opportunity to deepen my experience and reassess my values.
It is said that we can only guide others as far as we have been willing to go ourselves. This is so true, and at the Being Space we would love to guide and support you in your journey in anyway we can. So join us and harness over 60 years of combined experience, and help fast track yourself to Fulfilment.