Learn to Meditate

As we know, cleaning our teeth everyday is an essential part of oral health. By the same principle, the evidence for meditation providing many health and wellbeing benefits is now undeniable. Indeed, the act of meditation is universally recognised as an essential tool in enhancing and maintaining mental health and clarity. The chance to still the mind and clear the trauma and stress that has become synonymous with today’s fast-paced, high demand and data overloaded world is essential. Indeed, if not managed properly, our mental health, performance and enjoyment of life can be seriously impacted.

But how do you stop thinking? And who has the time, right?

Meditation isn’t about stopping thoughts, that’s neither possible nor practical. Its about understanding the nature of your thoughts and detaching and disengaging from them. Just as clouds float across the sky, so you can train your mind to see thoughts as passing cloud, rather than gathering storms. It is something that many thousands, if not millions experience every day. Once we realise the reality that we aren’t our thoughts, but the witness, then we can achieve clarity, efficiency and a joy of life that has infinite possibilities.

As the Sufi mystic, Rumi put it…

“Out beyond all ideas of wrongdoing and right doing,

There is a field

I’ll meet you there…”

This Meditation teaches four simple techniques that can take you to that field and by doing so enable you to get back in touch with your true self, at the same time allowing the body to rest, digest and heal on many levels.

To learn more, simply book a discovery call…