Recommended Reading/Listening

All the people, books, audibles, resources I share here have had a significant impact on my life and journey.


John E Sarno MD – The Divided Mind

Dr John E Sarno’s is described as a ground breaking medial pioneer, many of his books dealing with musculoskeletal pain disorders, however in the Divided Mind he addresses the entire spectrum of psychosomatic (mind-body) disorders.

It’s a big read, or in my case listen (its available on audible and I’ve listened many times over). All I can say is it was life changing and life affirming for me.

An easier introduction if this feels too daunting is Dr. John Sarno’s Top 10 Healing Discoveries by Steven Ray Ozanich.


Anything by Gabor Mate in any medium pick your favourite and go for it.

Gabor is one of the world’s leading trauma specialists, both from his personal experience and his professional expertise, I learn something every time I interact with his work.

Books “When the Body says No” The Cost of Hidden Stress and the latest The Myth of Normal.


Again, anything by Bruce H. Lipton PhD, still possibly my favourite The Biology of Belief – Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles.

Visit or “What we think, we become”


Dr. Joe Dispenza  - combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology and genetics to show and empower you and potential

all of humanity that we can create the reality we choose. In fact that we do create the reality we are choosing and how to consciously choose what we want, not just subconscious create!!

The book I’ve read and listened to the most is “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”,


Dr David R. Hawkins – Spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician,  researcher, lecturer and developer of the Map of Consciousness

“Letting Go:  The Pathway to Surrender” probably now my favourite book of his, however, his trilogy including Power Vs. Force, is epic if you have the staying power! In my experience, they are books you read more than once, or twice and possibly three times.


Michael A Singer – The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment and anything else he does, such a beautiful soul, I’d love to meet and spend time with.

As Sample of Michael talking about The Untethered Soul:


Byron Katie – “Loving What Is” and many others. I have listened to Katie every decade for at least the last three or four and every time a learn more & more – well it took me three to realise what an enlightened soul she is!


Neville Goddard – The Complete Reader – I could not just choose one book, so this contains ten, also available on audible.

My most listen to book in this series is “At you command” available on youtube :


Tom W Campbell, Nuclear Physicist: My Big TOE: His trilogy of books on his theory of everything! Do I understand it Hell “NO” do I love it and does it expand my consciousness Hell “YES”

He has seriously informed my philosophy on life: Learning to evolving my consciousness to reduce entropy, in other words choosing Love over Fear each and every time, It’s a work in progress!

Peter Sage – Elite Mentorship Forum – A Journey I am still surprised to this day I ended up on, however it informs and stretches me to be a more authenticity version of myself and continues to push me out of my comfort zone!

Watch this space, it may well be integrated into more of what I offer……. A nine-month journey of “Learning the rule of Life, so you can hack them!”

Peter’s  book  “The Inside Track” is well worth a read, mastery of his trade in action, inspiring and humbling!


This list could go on and on, however last for now, however definitely not least,

Narain Ishaya – Spiritual Teacher and author of Chit Happens -A Guide to Discovering Divinity – available from

Someone I am blessed to call a friend, and someone who’s save my life more than once without really knowing it.